Stainless steel thermometer,Cooking thermometer,Meat thermometer,Factory

Product Name : Meat Thermometer
የምርት ሞዴል: JDMT0540-06
የምርት ቁሳቁስ: አይዝጌ ብረት
የምርት ዓይነት: ጠቋሚ ቴርሞሜትር

This product can be used to measure the temperature of grill, steak, milk, soup, etc. for better cooking.

ግሪል ሽፋን ቴርሞሜትር,አይዝጌ ብረት ቴርሞሜትር, ፋብሪካ backyard grill thermometer,grill thermometer broil,Cooking thermometer,Factory probe port barbecue smoker thermometer stainless steel,Cooking thermometer,የስጋ ቴርሞሜትር, ፋብሪካ stainless steel 316 temperature range,stainless steel frying thermometer.

Stainless steel thermometer,Cooking thermometer,Meat thermometer,Factory-JIEDE- ቴርሞሜትር፣ ቴርሞሜትር፣ የምድጃ ቴርሞሜትር፣ የፍሪጅ ቴርሞሜትር፣ የመዋኛ ገንዳ ቴርሞሜትር፣ ኤሌክትሮኒክ ቴርሞሜትር፣ የውጪ የአትክልት ቴርሞሜትር፣ የባርቤኪው ቴርሞሜትር