Stainless steel thermometer,Cooking thermometer,Meat thermometer,Factory

Product Name : Meat Thermometer
Imodeli yomkhiqizo: JDMT0540-06
Impahla Yomkhiqizo : Insimbi Engagqwali
Uhlobo Lomkhiqizo : I-Pointer Thermometer

This product can be used to measure the temperature of grill, steak, milk, soup, etc. for better cooking.

I-thermometer yekhava ye-grill,I-thermometer yensimbi engagqwali,Imboni backyard grill thermometer,grill thermometer broil,Cooking thermometer,Factory probe port barbecue smoker thermometer stainless steel,Cooking thermometer,I-thermometer yenyama,Imboni stainless steel 316 temperature range,stainless steel frying thermometer.

Stainless steel thermometer,Cooking thermometer,Meat thermometer,Factory-JIEDE- ҳароратсанҷ, ҳароратсанҷ, термометри танӯр, термометри яхдон, термометри ҳавзи шиноварӣ, ҳароратсанҷи электронӣ, термометри боғи берунӣ, термометри барбекю